Payment for Environmental Services (PES)

Payment for Environmental or Ecosystem Services (PES) is when a buyer pays a provider for a specific environmental service or land use that benefits the environment.

In Brazil, there is a law that recognizes different ecosystem services, such as providing water, food, wood, and supporting biodiversity. Landowners in Brazil have the potential to provide these services, not only to meet climate goals but also for biodiversity conservation. However, there is a lack of a legal framework for PES in Brazil, which includes funding, monitoring services provided, and selecting ecosystem processes.

How does it work?

Payment for Environmental or Ecosystem Services (PES) works by creating a voluntary transaction where a buyer pays a provider for a specific environmental service or land use that benefits the environment. The provider must ensure the provision of the service, such as maintaining, restoring, or improving environmental conditions or supporting biodiversity. In Brazil, for example, landowners can receive payment for providing services like water, food, wood, and supporting biodiversity. However, there is a need for a legal framework to define criteria for funding, monitoring services, and selecting ecosystem processes in PES transactions.

Complete PES Registry Form

Please choose either the email option or the application assistance form option to submit your application to participate in the Payment for Environmental or Ecosystem Services (PES) program below. Fill out the application with the required information and attach the country’s PSA’s or PES’s certificate of approval, incorporation, or memorandum of association. Once we receive and review the forms and documentation, we will inform you of the timeframe and any associated fees.

Section 1
Please fill out the application with the requested information and attach any documentation such as your company’s certificate of incorporation or memorandum of association or articles of incorporation etc. Once the forms and documentation are viewed we will notify you of time-frame and fees.

Section 2
Offering Documents

Attach your certificate of incorporation or articles of organization or M&A. Attach a WORD or PDF file. Select BROWSE below to attach your document(s).

Offering Doucment 1

Offering Doucment 2

Offering Doucment 3

Offering Doucment 4

Offering Doucment 5

Show Terms

The DATMONT Process

There is a difference between a security and a financial instrument. Not all financial instruments are securities, but all securities are financial instruments. Primarily, the securities (instruments) are designed to be traded on the secondary markets (creation of exchange).

However, a non-security is an alternative investment that is not traded on a public exchange as stocks and bonds are. Assets such as art, rare coins, life insurance, gold, and diamonds all are non-securities. Non-securities by definition are not liquid assets.

The DATMONT identifies a non-financial security. An DATMONT should not be confused with ISIN or a ticker symbol which identifies the stock at the exchange level.