Apply for an DATMONT

Complete an DATMONT Application Form with list of Mandatory Compliances Requirement
Click on the appropriate application form below. You may instead email us your request (see below)

Email Us Your

    • Please email us indicating your needs. If you need more than one DATMONT number
      please let us know.
    • ATTACH Company’s Trading Documentation
      • Incorporation Document
      • Commercial Trade License
      • Registrations under tax laws
      • Business Contracts
      • Bank Letter(s)
      • Other miscellaneous requirements or relevant document.

    Once the forms and documentation are viewed we will notify you of time frame and
    fees to receive your DATMONT. Please read the Terms of Use on this website. By
    emailing us you are agreeing to our Terms of Use.

Email Us Your

The DATMONT Process

There is a difference between a security and a financial instrument. Not all financial instruments are securities, but all securities are financial instruments. Primarily, the securities (instruments) are designed to be traded on the secondary markets (creation of exchange).

However, a non-security is an alternative investment that is not traded on a public exchange as stocks and bonds are. Assets such as art, rare coins, life insurance, gold, and diamonds all are non-securities. Non-securities by definition are not liquid assets.

The DATMONT identifies a non-financial security. An DATMONT should not be confused with ISIN or a ticker symbol which identifies the stock at the exchange level.