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Normally in financial market, qualified private and institutional investors demand transparency and “information integrity” with regard to investment offered by Issuers of securities. Thus the ISIN help verifies that a security has been properly issued in accordance with global financial market process, at such they felt comfortable in their investment, because investors rely on different financial instruments to earn a rate of return and accomplish important financial objectives like building retirement savings, funding a college education, or merely accumulating additional wealth over time.
However, the non-financial investments include real estate, gold, antiques, etc. In most of the non-financial cases, the investors require specialized knowledge, which is different from the knowledge of financial investments. If your investor cannot verify that your offering has been properly executed with ability to know who is who offering this non-securities instrument; you may not be able to accomplish your trade successfully. The DATMONT access by the investors fills this gap and climate the uncertain about your offerings.
Important Reasons To Add Your DATMONT Code Information Our Global Database
Credibility & Integrity
In December 2008 according to National Bureau of Economic and Research “Gold Standard Does Not Always Bring Credibility” The article further stated that “Adopting a new gold standard, or some other hard currency peg, is often touted as a good way for poor, developing nations to attract foreign investors. But if the last era of globalization is any guide, the benefits of doing so are nil.” We at Westernclear believe that as an independent source of Non-Financial Securities Identification Number could begin to restore some credibility towards gold trading, at such attract investment for developing nations.
Information Distribution
In commodity trading, Standing By Letter of Credit, Bank Guarantee and all the Non-Financial Securities Instrument need adequate and reliable information, this should be market fundamentals such as volumes of production and consumption, banking system, network, pipeline capacity and product availability.
This new standard of information distribution through DATMONT is an opportunities for commodity traders and will likely need to invest in new capabilities. Successful players are now making informed decisions by leveraging real-time data from DATMONT database. Whatever the case may be, as expectations even speculations play a strong role in commodity price formation, the need for improved transparency and better information is vital for investment in developing countries mining, farming and banking system to be trusted.
Easy Access to Robust Data. DATMONT Databases:
Westernclear establishing The DATMONT Organization is the only and independent source for pushing the new gold standard for information in real time and the most robust and most easily-accessed DATMONT database globally.
Step 1: Add Your DATMONT and Company Profile
Simply fill in your company and DATMONT profile and click Submit. It’s that easy. Login to your account and update as often as you want in real time.
Step 2: DATMONT Profile Goes Live – It’s that Simple!
Your DATMONT is now live on’s public database for all to search and view.
By Listing on DATMONT site, your DATMONT and company profile can be submitted or found in outside portals such as WESTERNCLEAR
Our gold standard department can assist with posting your company or DATMONT profile(s) on WESTERNCLEAR. We can also assist in obtaining additional identifiers like the International Carbon Credits Provider’s Identification/Instrument (ICCPIN) Code or International Goods and Service Tax Identification Number (IGSTIN) Code and have your product/securities placed on Westernclear. You would need to join as a LEVEL 2 MEMBER and we can assist with posting your data on Westernclear for no cost.
Few Qualify Assets & Trade Instruments for DATMONT:
Art is the conscious creation of something beautiful or meaningful using skill and imagination. It encompasses a wide range of human activities, including painting, drawing, graphics, sculpture, modern media art, theatre, dance, music and song, photography, film, architecture, literature and poetry.
Gold is a highly liquid asset, which is no one’s liability, carries no credit risk, and is scarce, historically preserving its value over time . It also benefits from various sources of demand: as an investment, a reserve asset, jewelry, and a technology component.
SBLC a financial instrument but not a financial securities. This non-financial securities instrument is issued by a bank on instructions received from a client and is a means of payment. It can also be a guarantee of payment. This instrument funding can be provided by the issuing bank if their client is deemed creditworthy.
Carbon Credits
ICCPIN (INTERNATIONAL CARBON CREDITS PROVIDER’S IDENTIFICATION NUMBER) is the carbon credit tax identifier code. A carbon credit represents the right to emit a measured amount of GHG. Carbon credits work as a certification that business or individual owning them is counterbalancing the emission of greenhouse gasses (GHG). In this way, the system of carbon credits works as a compensation method assuring a balance between GHG emissions and the respective amounts of certified mitigations, which means carbon credits is a financial instrument that need integrity to make climate change and carbon credit exchanges works for everyone involves and helps our world.
Note: DATMONT program is independent of banks, governments, associations, and financial institutions and DATMONT has no affiliation with any such party.
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